Once upon a time, this tadpole tried really hard to fit in, with the help of many of my friends, new and old; i found that 'being you' is the most important part of existence. 'If i knew then what i know now'; all the years of trying to fit in ,could have been used towards more productive things, such as better writing skills, playing an instrument: at some point in life i felt as though the image of society really wanted me to be around people all the time (adventures alone were frowned upon); at least as a young man growing up, that is what my interpretation was. I could remember days spent exploring the countryside of Murillo, by foot, bicycle, ATV, 4x4, ya get the idea, i would go out alone and just get lost: I have rekindled that adventurous nature within; at that time people called me a loner, among other more interesting names, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me", (how many people out there have recited this as children ), not to say i am an expert, I am not, but an observation that is fitting to this, and many other entries, is! "To find one's way, one must first be lost", this was my escape from them(society) somewhere in the past (which i have spent time dwelling on : not very healthy i might add:) so the past is the past : only used here for insight!. So on to the present being, to ones self, SOLACE for me has been found in the ocean, the lake, and amongst trees and rocks, basically mother nature, by spending time with the world, ALONE, as a loner, a gypsy, hippie, call it what you will, we are never alone, some people just won't except this(another observation), sorry getting off track here, that's me!. I hope as this adventure goes on!, that i can tap into this kinship with nature, maybe find my own understanding with it.
As surfers i think that we all see the world, from a very different perspective!, travel! long distances to float in a medium and ride it's natural occuring roller coaster, some for a pass time, others to escape, it helps us through tough times, (like alcohol 'the cause of and solution to all of life's problems') it also causes some tension between some parties, but ya know, surfing, surfers these fellow tribesmen, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, ect. We are a part of the world in a different way and understand one another better than we think, we also seem to look out for each other, even when we do not know it, i am glad to fit into this society.
life is too short to spend all your time trying to make enough money to pay for things you can't take with you, or tell your grand kids about, 'yep your grand dad spent most of his days workin for the many cars he has owned), or instead i'd like to tell them about getting lost and finding my way not working eight to five everyday and then short little adventures on week ends, i will work when i require, i have found my inner adventurer, and do not wish to tell people to do the same, but to inspire, that makes me happy!
My quest, to be a kid again.
My oath, to never give up, regardless of what people say or think, and never back down, no matter how tough it gets
a very talkative line up of another tribe! |

a fitting visual metaphor for life |
along with the previous photo,i hope everyone gets it |
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