Tuesday, January 25, 2011

west bound

Yep decided to head west, after a fantastic holiday visit with family in southern Ontario. much thanks goes out to all the hospitality I've received, from family,families, friends and total strangers, happy new years and may it be a fantastic one.... The journey to Edmonton was full of short naps at fuel stations or just about anywhere i could find a street light to park under, and let me tell you about a cold one, 90kmh, heat full blast, defrost ,and the windows began to freeze over in and out, my wiper blades froze to the windshield, this lasted about 100 km, before exiting the jet stream into the high's, pretty 'cool' i'd say. Next stop in about a week will be surf but for now snowboarding, fills the gap, Had a great day on a small hill in Edmonton, with my niece and nephew, it was around 4 deg C and sticky, but as the sun left the slope it was perfect for some really big surfy carves on edge, you know, the kind where you go from one side of the hill, to the other ,and back, all at like mach 1.So much fun!!! 

sea ya in the water, or on the snow lol

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